Celebrations of Friendship Day

Celebrations of Friendship Day

At Iris Florets World School, we believe that the bonds formed during childhood are some of the most cherished ones. Our students celebrated Friendship Day with joy, laughter, and a spirit of togetherness. From exchanging heartfelt messages to engaging in fun-filled activities, this day was all about embracing the essence of true friendship.

Watch as our young ones share their smiles, stories, and memories, making this Friendship Day a celebration to remember!

📍 Admissions Open for 2024-25! Join us in Suraram, at our expansive 2-acre campus.

#FriendshipDay #CelebratingFriendship #TogetherWeGrow #HappyHearts #IrisFloretsWorldSchool #ChildhoodMemories #BuildingBonds #AdmissionsOpen #Suraram #CBSE #JoinUs #ExploreWithIrisFlorets